The PRIDE and Joy of Waking Up with Friends ...
A reflection on our journey after completing our second full season of Behere, 3 days of Wonder Camp, Getting on my knees in Prayer, and Rethinking Everything from this Matrix with more friends.

Yesterday, I was blessed with the chance to meet some new friends from Ojai, California, who had read my previous article on the Joy of Speaking Truth, and were interested to learn more about Behere and get involved in some way. It is a rewarding feeling to put something like that out in the universe, and receive the blessing of meeting great new people in real life come back as a result (Now praying daily for more of this!🙏⚡️)
It was inspiring enough of an experience to write to you again… If God brought me 7 wise adults and their families yesterday, how many more will we meet this time? 🙏🙏🙏)
Since writing that article on March 2, I’ve been absent from publishing thought pieces, as I’ve been thick in a grind of working to make ends meet for my family, along with doing what I can for Brooke and Behere while we completed our Spring session and Wonder Camp last week.
I’ve tried my hand at some new jobs — I’ve joined the top catering team in Ventura County at Command Performance. I also started working as a ranch hand at an enormous ranch up north of Santa Barbara, that also operates as a yoga and meditation retreat center. Both experiences have been blessings in their own way. The combination of going from serving wedding guests one day, to moving cows, building fences, and plowing fields the next week is a bit of a surreal contrast I am thankful for. I can appreciate the opportunity for reflection and growth that they offer. These jobs are important steps in my own journey to learn and grow into my life’s purpose, and it’s been great meeting people from so many walks of life along the way.
I may have a penchant for learning some things the hard way — perhaps it had to be this way. It kinda seems like humans don’t really change until we are pushed to our absolute limits. And I am at that point, personally (are you?) Last night, I received a text from a great guy I’ve met with a few times (Thank you, LION! 🦁), suggesting that I try ‘getting on my knees when I pray’. He told me miracles have happened for him and others around him when he did this. I took his advise. It felt right. Then Brooke and I prayed together with me on my knees. I’ll be doing it every day now before bed, and when I rise (don’t fall for that ‘mourning’ spell — it’s a dark one!), as I seek to reinvent my habits and routines. At least I finally know that I simply can’t afford not to get on my knees and pray every day, especially on the road to rethinking everything. Took me long enough. Credit to my own Father, Mark Lawler, who’s been telling me to pray to Jesus /God (my whole life).
Now, to be fair, I have done a fair bit of praying to Jesus in my days. But it certainly seems I have room for improvement in terms of getting the RESULTS that I’m after. So changes were due.
The first change I started making in my prayer life about 8 weeks ago was from a book I picked up in the Sunburst community lodge by Yogananda — In the Sanctuary of the Soul: A Guide to Effective Prayer. In it Yogananda says:
“As sons of God, we must believe that we have everything the Father has. This is our birthright....We do not have to beg, but to reclaim and demand from our Father that which we, through our human imagination, thought to be lost.
It becomes necessary at this stage to destroy the wrong thought of ages — that we are frail human beings. We must think, meditate, affirm, believe and realize daily that we are sons of God — and behave accordingly! This realization may take time, but we must begin with the right method, rather than gamble with the unscientific beggary of prayers and consequently be subject to disbelief, doubts, or the jugglery of superstition. “ — Yogananda
I love this change to my prayer life. Gonna keep it going. Getting on my knees is the next change.
Untrusting the Plan
Can I be forgiven for not always ‘Trusting the plan?’
My 38 years in this world have grown within me the most intense rebellion against authority that you can imagine. And that spark has been extremely well fed since the beginning of 2020. And I think this could be partly why my prayer life has suffered. My wife has a keen way of saying the hard things I need to hear, and she knows well my feelings about authorities, but was keen to remind me that God is the one authority that I DO need to submit to.
True, huh?
That’s why I will be on my knees in prayer everyday from here on out. I’ll consider it my own ground zero for Rethinking Everything (that’s what the .re is for in our url at
Let it be known, I submit to God! His son, Jesus, too! I Love them both!
While Christians are quite familiar with the concept of trusting in the divine plan and having faith that God is in control … Trust the plan has been a key phrase linked to the 17th letter of the Alphabet during the past 5+ years (For further reading on Q — Martin Geddes On Q)
The infamous letter that has come to represent perhaps the most famous psychological operation in history, has asked his (they / them’s ?) readers to Trust the plan.
I never did find a way to trust a plan I didn’t know.
So I think I’ve been stuck in an untrusting sort of stagnancy. Another guy that I share a vibe with, Matthew McConoughey, recently addressed this problem in his Art of Livin’ live event that he sees in the world — a lack of trust. It spoke to me. And I guess this article is part of my answer to it.
I am committing to trust.
But not in man. In God. In a divine plan where truth does win. And in a plan where lover’s of truth and speakers of truth will lead, instead of the parasites that have censored them.
Here, I do need to make a distinction here between TRUST and beLIEf. I don’t beLIEve (at least, as little as possible), especially in man. BeLIEfe is for people who don’t know — and I don’t think a lack of knowledge needs to be celebrated anymore.
We are now in the Age of Aquarius, where knowledge reigns, truth wins, and PRIDE is about EXITING SLAVERY, ASCENDING, and generally LEVELING UP YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS.
PRIDEMONTH is here in this 3D SAMO© Matrix, and I’m excited to offer my voice in celebration of love, knowledge, wisdom, and acceptance of all people. But instead of celebrating mental illness and satanic gender idealogies aimed at destroying people, families, and the depopulation of our planet, I’m using the month to encourage parent’s to take PRIDE in taking ownership of their child’s education, and evacuating them from government (mind-control) schools immediately. We can do this! It’s important that we do this! We must do this!
Our children ARE THE FUTURE. We must enrich and affirm them in their genius, and guide them to be guardians of wisdom that grow to their fullest potential of their divine feminine and masculine qualities.
I’m happy to ride with Elon’s terminology — “The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters”.
I find that quite agreeable. Actionable, too.
Organizing the Homeschool Revolution is my families response to the problem of corrupt government, big tech, big pharma, big Tell-A-Vision… — big everything — attempting to penetrate our bodies, and our children’s mind and bodies with their evil propaganda, fatal poisons, and transhumanist experiments. Your role as a parent is to protect your child from that harm. As a member of your community, I am asking your to step up with me in the journey to family wellness and sovereignty.
There are plenty of things we can know and act on today, especially with films like Plandemic3 now streaming world wide. It came out last night, and I haven’t watched it yet, but I do know it contains knowledge many people need to hear. I’ll be watching soon…
How about we all give Plandemic3 a watch, and reflect on how we feel about it?
I’ll be following up with my own reflections on it. How about we discuss next Monday?⚡️
I have a feeling it will be helpful fuel for our Behere fire to organize the homeschool revolution on our road to rethink everything.
Extra Credit:
It just so happens as well that Elon Musk hosted Robert F. Kennedy on a Twitter Space TODAY in an important step for Free speech on earth.
I’ll be listening to that as well — and reflecting on it with you here.
Accelerate the Behere Fire 💸⛽️⚡️🔥
If you’d like to help us accelerate our path, there is a lot I would like to do to complete building out our online platform for organizing the homeschool revolution throughout Ventura, Santa Barbara and LA counties, to the rest of California and beyond. Helping us complete a $25,000 fundraise will go A LONG WAY, and you’ll have the opportunity to get your skin in the game of this exciting revolution : )